Wahh!! More than 1 week I didn't post new story in my blog..hehehehe.. No new story la.. Somemore don't have time..(ceh!! like very busy life I have..hahahahahahaha..)
Okeyla, today just want to share my happy outdoor activity last week. Playing bowling!!! hehehehe.. I went to Ole Ole Bowling Centre in Seksyen 18, Shah Alam with my youngest brother and my boyfriend..hehehe.. Actually I'm not so fanatic with bowling.. Coz I'm very skinny girl and the bowling balls are very heavy.. The lightest one I found was 9 kg. Wahh!! Just add 1 kg, same with the weight of a pack of rice (10 kg)..hehehe.. Very heavy for me lorrr.. I also feel shame la coz need to make sexy pose when want to throw ball..huhuhuhu..:p..
But I was really enjoyed the game that night coz I can scream, I can jump and can show my giler-giler attitude even most of time the ball I threw 'masuk longkang'..hahahahahahahhaha..
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