Yesterday was a very bad first working day in this new year for me.. Everything not happened as per plan.. Suddenly there were obstacles when our plan almost could be done.. Not just work, on myself also.. Huh!! Very tension and stressfull day.. Like what people said, don't start your day with anger and bad mood coz that feelings will influence your whole day.. Very true.. It was happened to me..:(
But today, Alhamdulillah, all the problems slowly settled.. Feel much much more better than yesterday.. Hopefully everything will be alright today.. Just want to finish this day with happy feeling.. (^___^)
Some people said, we must always be patient when something not right come and disturb our mind and emotion.. But not all people can handle this kind of situation very smartly.. Some will lose their patience and some even lose their mind..
Actually it is based on ourselves, we must know which way is the best to handle everything that coming to our life.. Good and bad, hard and difficult are natural things we will face in this life.. Always pray a guidance from Allah.. Insya Allah, we can face it very calmly and nicely..
Thank you ALLAH for Giving this nice feeling to me today.. Alhamdulillah..
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